
Scarred Lands Player's Guide — Fantasy RPG setting for 5th Edition & Pathfinder

Created by Nocturnal Media

In the hands of the original creators, this 3e FRPG setting of a world torn by war between gods & titans returns for Pathfinder and 5e.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

December Scarred Lands Update!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 04:12:00 PM

Hello, Scarred Lands Backers!

RichT here:

I'm still working with the other folks who have stepped in to fulfill the rewards of this Kickstarter, and while I don't have a firm date yet on when shipping will be able to begin, this last month we did push a couple of those other rewards a lot closer to shipping.

I personally discovered a hold up with the SL dice sets with our manufacturer in China, and those should be rolling along again. I expect to hear from our rep over there once we get back in January.

Also, just wanted to point out that if you need information more frequently than these monthly Updates, we have several ways to get that to you. The first is to review my weekly Monday Meeting Notes blog, which you can find on our website, here:

Down near the end we have a weekly progress report on all of our ongoing projects, starting with the Initial Draft stage of when writers have started writing, all the way to the At Press stage of when projects are getting completed and towards being made available. You can also get the weekly blog emailed to you, so you don't have to hunt for it, by joining our Onyx Path Mailing List on the right side of our website.

You can ask questions in the comments for the Monday Meeting Notes blog which I pop in to answer during the course of the week, and also ask questions on our Twitter and Facebook accounts, and on our Onyx Path forums where we have sections dedicated to our game lines.

Finally, as this comes up a lot: if you need to change your address after the Backer Surveys have gone out and been returned, you can access your Survey response using the same url as for the Survey and make the changes needed right there. Easy peasy!

Have a great holiday season and we'll talk to you next year!

Scarred Lands November Update
over 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 12:16:24 AM

Hello Scarred Lands Backers-

RichT here:

The SL books and the Wise& the Wicked books are in our fulfillment shipper's warehouse and logged into their system. I'm working to get the various other books and items that Stewart included in this Kickstarter to them as well so everything can roll out together, and the Nocturnal crew are working with the dice manufacturer.

Thanks you for your patience so far, not much longer to go now!

Halloween Scarred Lands Update!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 12:26:49 AM

Hello Scarred Lands Kickstarter backer!

RichT here:

I've been in contact with the team that is following up on all the projects that Stew Wieck was involved with; some that had had Kickstarters and some that hadn't. I do not envy them their task of trying to reconnect the threads that made perfect sense to Stew as he was in the midst of them, but which anybody else needs to investigate fully in order to understand.

They tell me that our Scarred Lands printed books are in Customs on the West Coast, so depending on whether our Customs folks are going to give us a trick or a treat, they should be moving across country to our shipper soon. They've also told me that they are working with a manufacturer to get our Scarred Lands dice created - and I'll give you more info on that when I have it.

Finally, I'll be at GameHoleCon in Madison, WI, at the end of this week - booth #27, say hi if you're there! - and sitting down with developer Scott Holden and making more plans for the future of Scarred Lands and wrapping up the Ring of Spiragos text - hopefully.

Thanks and Happy Halloween!

Complimentary Discounted PoD Book Links!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 04:38:32 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

September in the Scarred Lands
over 6 years ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 12:27:13 AM

Hello Scarred Lands backers!

RichT here:

First off, the printed books are still en route from China by ship. We continue to work closely with the gang from Nocturnal Media to arrange and fulfill this Kickstarter, and they are the folks who are making the calls as to how to get all the pieces in one place for shipping out to you all.

Next, as I mentioned last month, as a thanks you for your patience during all these unfortunate events, we'll soon be sending out "at-cost" coupons for Print on Demand (PoD) physical book versions of the SL Players Guide and The Wise and the Wicked for use by any of you that want copies of the books earlier than we can get the traditionally printed versions you backed out to you.

Right now, I am waiting for the PoD proofs to arrive here at Onyx Path central. I need to check them to make sure the PoD printer got our files and they came through correctly. Once I can give them the thumbs-up, we'll put the machinery into play to send out the discount PoD links.

The PoD discounted books are not mandatory to order and in no way replace the rewards you pledged for. You will still get all your books you get from backing this Kickstarter. This is just a small thing we're trying to do to say thanks as we all wait for the proverbial "slow boat from China".

Finally, after a few rounds of negotiation, I'm thrilled to announce that Nocturnal Media accepted Onyx Path's offer to buy out their half of the rights to Scarred Lands and the deal was signed, sealed, and finalized last week. With that, Onyx Path completely owns the Scarred Lands, although we will continue to work with Nocturnal in the fulfillment of this KS.

I still wish that I could be working with Stewart on Scarred Lands for years to come, but with that no longer possible, the potential of what Onyx Path can bring to SL is greater than ever!

Thanks for your support!